World News Briefs


Missions-Catalyst-no-tagline_largeIn  This Issue:

  1. EUROPE: Iranian Musician Finds a New Song
  2. LEBANON: One Million Syrian Refugees
  3. INDIA: Hindu Radicals Storm Prayer Meeting
  4. PHILIPPINES: Deaf Disciple Deaf
  5. NEPAL: Between the Dragon and the Elephant

Lebanon girl WWM

Image: World Watch Monitor; Syrian refugee children in a makeshift tent. More than a million Syrian refugees are registered with the UN in Lebanon.


In a 2014 article for the International Journal of Frontier Missiology, L.D. Waterman explored eight dimensions of life in Christ, three of them dealing with aspects of identity: core identity, social identity, and collective identity. This week’s news deals with all three. An Iranian musician finds a new core identity, refugees must adapt to a new social identity, and Nepal is battling for its own collective identity. For most of my life I thought only of core (or personal) identity, which may be understandable for someone from individualistic America. Yet identity can be much more complex.

A look at how we spend our time might suggest where we find our identity (Flowing Data).

For insights into how an individual embraces an identity as a terrorist, see the 55-minute documentary My Brother the Terrorist (LINK TV), or, for a Christian perspective, please read Four Islamic Voices (INContext).

In Christ,

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