CHILE: Motivation for Missions

OM Chile photo

Source: OM News, August 16, 2013

Rob Minderhoud, a worker with OM Chile involved in church mobilization, recently had the opportunity to go on a two-week trip to promote OM Chile and share about missions in the north of the country.

“Together with the leader of another missionary organization, we traveled more than 4,000 kilometers visiting numerous of churches, youth groups, radio stations, and taking advantage of all the opportunities God put in our path,” he shared. “We stayed two to four days in every place, and by God’s grace we were able to contact and get to know many pastors and people interested in missions, resulting in several church invitations to provide them with mission training.”

Chile is a “Christian” country, with about 15 per cent of the 17 million inhabitants being evangelical Christians. Chileans are passionate about their faith in Jesus, and OM sees huge potential to send Chileans into missions.

“Many churches still lack vision and knowledge regarding missions,” said Rob. “But it is great to see how God is opening doors and is working in the hearts and minds of many Chilean believers.”

During the trip, God also faithfully provided food and places to stay. “We experienced a lot of love through Chilean brothers and sisters,” Rob said. “Some people told me they had been praying for a long time for a missionary organization to come and visit their church and share about missions.”

ยป Read full story. See also Mixed Languages, Cultures, and Experiences, about Chileans and foreigners being trained in missions together. (Photo above is from that story.)

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