13 thoughts on “Quick Poll (Limited to 100 responses)”

  1. Sometimes one’s business give access to places one would not/could not otherwise go. Sometimes what one does internationally provides jobs for others and allows them to go. It also provides a reason to be there that the world can understand.

  2. Shane – good thoughts. I prefer the term “full time vocational _____” as opposed to lay/clergy, secular/full-time ministry. I think of myself as a full-time vocational rabble-rouser. Mind you, for the only cause that will ultimately win 🙂 . Sometimes I politics is my venue to rouse my rabble, sometimes techno speak, sometimes clergy speak, sometimes family and Rest and Relaxation. Regardless, its a 24/7/356 avocation and appointment. I can’t escape it, even if I wanted to. Its a calling. Its a lifestyle. Its… life.

  3. I currently have a “secular” job (waitress), but this year I decided to seriously pursue long-term missions. In the mean-time, I volunteer at my church as often as my health allows and I hope to soon start going on short-term mission trips to get a taste for life on the mission field!

  4. My “full-time ministry” is full-time mom. I am working to raise three young boys into Christian men. God may never call me to full-time ministry outside my community, though I hope he will, but I will have three young warriors raised to serve in any field He calls them to.

  5. After spending most of my life in the working world and volunteering part time at church I am now enjoying an avocation life, blessed to be Working as “unpaid staff” in the Global Outreach area at church. It is a joy to watch our people grow globally and gain a heart for the followers of Islam in North Africa. This has resulted in the sending out of Church Based Teams to live among these unreached people.

  6. Paul: Wow! Sounds like fun. Makes me wonder what aspect of your rabble-rousing actually pays the rent and feeds the kids. Care to share?

  7. Christin: Sounds like an exciting time in your life. Does a particular part of the world have your heart? Does it look like God is pointing you in a particular direction?

  8. Steve: Great news, on many levels. Thanks for working hard, planning well, and now sharing your energy and skill in these crucial ways.

  9. Full-time follower of Jesus, full-time life of ministry. It used to be called “housewife”/volunteer. Doesn’t matter what you call it. You never have to retire. It’s a great life.

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