In This Issue: Missionary Women, World-changing Families, and More
- BOOK: Through Her Eyes
- CD: Every Nation, Tribe, and Tongue
- EVENT: Strategy Coordinator Training in Australia
- DVD: Unreached Peoples of Central Asia
- BOOK: Becoming a World Changing Family
Missions Catalyst is a free, weekly electronic digest of mission news and resources designed to inspire and equip Christians worldwide for global ministry. Use it to fuel your prayers, find tips and opportunities, and stay in touch with how God is building his kingdom all over the world. Please forward it freely!
Resource Reviews, edited by Marti Smith, are published once a month.
BOOK: Through Her Eyes
From: Caleb Resources
Through Her Eyes: Life and Ministry of Women in the Muslim World
By Marti Smith
In an effort to support and encourage women entering or already on the mission field, Through Her Eyes shares the personal experiences of two dozen women as they reveal the nuances of their everyday lives as missionaries in a foreign culture. Some are single, many are married, and a number of them have children, but all provide a candid look at issues associated with living cross-culturally: dealing with loneliness, learning a new language, helping children adjust to the new culture, maintaining healthy marriages, and balancing ministry and family roles.
Through Her Eyes offers an honest and insightful look at the challenges of being a woman in missions, providing much-needed encouragement from those who have stepped out in faith and found that God can indeed meet all their needs. Pick up this book for your mission agency’s member care department, or get copies for your church’s women on the field.
About the author: Marti Smith has spent ten years as a research coordinator for Caleb Project. She began collecting stories for this book while living and working with a church-planting team in Central Asia. She is also the Managing Editor of Missions Catalyst e-Magazine.
CD: Every Nation, Tribe, and Tongue
From: Operation Mobilisation
Experience the joy of international worship with Bill Drake and Operation Mobilisation (OM). Featuring live worship from an OM conference, “Every Nation, Tribe and Tongue” is more than a worship CD. The accompanying CD-ROM provides music and overhead projector slides enabling your church to learn and enjoy worship songs with the theme of commitment, dedication, and sacrifice. There are even translations of all the songs into more than 20 major languages.
Also included is an around-the-world survey of OM International, complete with introductions to OM’s ministry in each nation.
To purchase, go to
EDITOR’S NOTE: The CD may also be ordered from Bill Drake Music.
EVENT: Strategy Coordinator Training in Australia
From: Youth With A Mission Perth
The Strategic Coordinator Seminar is about planning and implementing evangelism, business, and church planting among your unreached people group, population segment, or mega-city. Being held November 13 – December 2, 2005 in Perth, Western Australia, it is an intense, three-week seminar led by veteran missionaries experienced at implementing people- and city-transforming strategies. In the seminar you will create a working plan for the evangelization of your focus population – be it gothic youth in London, indigenous peoples of Australia, an unreached people group in Africa, or a mega-city in Asia.
If you want to see your church take a more active role in evangelizing your focus people through prayer, going, and sending out missionaries, or if you are a missionary who desires to see more prayer, people, and finance on an international level directed towards your focus group, then this seminar is for you.
To register, send an e-mail, telephone , fax +61 8 9328 1324, or go to the web site. Tell them you read about it in Missions Catalyst!
DVD: Unreached Peoples of Central Asia
From: Caleb Resources
Come experience the colorful cultures of Central Asia through a set of videos on some of this region’s least evangelized peoples, now collected in DVD format. Each video draws you into the day-to-day lives of a specific group of these people whom God has created.
Unreached Peoples of Central Asia includes 13 videos about people groups from eight different countries across Central Asia: Azerbaijanis, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz and Dungan, Tajiks, Volga Tatars, Turks, Turkmen, and Uzbeks.
The DVD includes:
Short-version videos (around three minutes), designed for church or large-group settings, and
Long-version videos (around 15 minutes), designed for home, classroom, and small-group settings.
A “Play All” feature runs all of the short-version videos back-to-back for mission conferences, play between services, and extended viewing.
To purchase the Unreached Peoples of Central Asia DVD or other resources, visit the Caleb Resources Store.
Caleb Resources develops educational resources, seminars, and hands-on international training experiences to equip the body of Christ for strategic ministry to unreached peoples.
BOOK: Becoming a World Changing Family
From: Jill Harris, Caleb Resources
Becoming a World Changing Family:Fun and Innovative Ways to Spread the Good News
By Donna S. Thomas
“Donna has written an encouraging book on how to influence your children so that they will indeed change the world for Christ. Full of practical ideas as well as inspiring stories, Donna’s writing will help you and your family see your world with fresh eyes and take deliberate steps to involve your children in cross-cultural outreach. The book is all about creative ideas to make the Great Commission part of the life of your family.” – David Mays, Advancing Churches in Missions Commitment (ACMC)
“Becoming a World Changing Family covers all the bases for a family to make a difference in this world: biblical, prayer, creative activities, and involvement. Becoming a World Changing Family can help families put action to the heart for the world that God has given them! Fun, creative, practical, and impactful are just a few words to describe Becoming a World Changing Family. May this resource be used for God’s glory!” – Jill Harris, Caleb Project
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 2004, 157 pages. Available from Baker Books.
Questions? Problems? Submissions? Contact publisher/managing editor Marti Smith.