Chad: Christians and Muslims Come Together in Bible Translation

Source: Christian Today, May 29, 2023

During a recent trip to Chad [to] implement an emerging model of Bible translation called church-centric Bible translation, I worked alongside other members of the unfoldingWord training team to train and resource Chad nationals to translate 50 Bible stories into eight minority languages.

Muslims and Christians [came] together to embark on this translation journey [which] takes a fraction of the time. Ultimately this will have the potential to impact around 2 million people in Chad who speak something other than Chadian Arabic.

I knew it would be a challenging road ahead as a group of eight language teams, with five members each (two all Muslim, two all Christian, and four mixed groups) came together. I have spent decades of my working life developing leaders and teams and didn’t underestimate the barriers they needed to overcome as they began the first in a series of six translation workshops.

This translation project succeeds the first translation group of its kind in Chad which began in 2018 and was completed 18 months later. From this first group of eight language teams, at least two new churches have been planted and the new believers are assigned to the associated missionary for the people group.

Read the full story or a similar one from Christianity Today.

Did you know? Chad is home to more than 200 ethnic groups who speak more than 100 languages, according to 5 Things You Need to Know about Chad (World Relief).

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