Egypt: President Affirms Building Churches in Every New City

Source: International Christian Concern, March 14, 2022

President Abdel Fattah al Sisi confirmed Egypt’s initiative for constructing a church in every newly built city, saying, “Where there is a mosque, there must also be a church. And if the church to be built will be attended by even only 100 people, it must be built anyway.” The country’s urban development program includes regulations that a church must be constructed as part of city planning.

These churches are not subject to the 2016 law that regulates non-Muslim worship and mandates that all churches receive permission for renovations, building, and demolition. Though the presidential announcement and commitment to church building was celebrated by the Orthodox and evangelical communities across the country, the new church construction has one major downfall.

Whether intended or not, the new regulation severely limits and poses threats to Egypt’s Muslim-background believers (MBBs). Al-Sisi continued his statements above adding, “so no one will have to meet in an apartment and present that private house as a church.”

MBBs are generally unable to enter clearly identified churches for fear of persecution from their Muslim community or families. Instead, MBBs and those seeking to share the gospel with their Muslim neighbors utilize house churches, meeting in homes.

Read the full story.

See also a story about combating persecution in Niger which explains some of the challenges and strategies for overcoming them in another majority-Muslim country (Words of Hope).

Shifting our eyes to Europe, the next story reminds us that the refugees from Ukraine may have a variety backgrounds and beliefs.

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