ALGERIA: Woman’s Healing Brings Village to Christ

Source: Partners International, June 9, 2018

A member of our community had been very sick for quite some time. Her husband had taken her to many doctors and specialists and had even tried witchcraft and sorcery, but she remained unchanged. Some Christians advised her to go to the local church for prayer. They took the advice and when they were there the elders laid hands on her and prayed for her healing. Not much happened on the spot, but gradually her health improved and she became totally healed and restored. Praise the Lord Jesus for healing her!

Her husband started to attend our church services. After each service, he would ask for copies of the Gospels and New Testaments to take back to his village. Nobody knew what he was doing with them. In January of this year, his whole family came to the church with him and asked to be baptized. There were fourteen of them!

In March of this year, the pastor came to see Youssef, our ministry leader, so that he could share more about what had been happening. Now they estimate that nearly everyone in this man’s small village has come to faith! That church has seen an incredible growth and are now planning now to start four new churches, all because of the actions of this one man. Praise God!

The senior pastor of the largest church in Algeria—nearly 1000 members—told us that in the last two years they had baptized nearly 370 more new believers. Many other churches are experiencing growth in their fellowships. Training, discipleship, and empowering of the church in Algeria has become an urgent need.

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