INDIA: Secret Christians Multiplying

Source: Christian Aid Mission, August 25, 2016

In the strongly communal nature of life in Udhampur District, in the Jammu region [of Northern India], friends and relatives are the fiercest enemies of those who embrace Christ.

“So many people come to us secretly,” [one] ministry leader said, “but they don’t want to come on Sunday due to the fear of the people, because everyone knows it’s the day Christians come to worship in the church.”

The ministry, which shares the Good News to see lives transformed among the Dogri-speaking people of the area through the efforts of its 22 indigenous evangelists, has also been able to stage big-tent, evangelistic campaigns in the past two years. With many people coming from surrounding villages, those at the events who put their faith in Christ also may keep it hidden from their family and friends.

“They know Jesus is the truth, Jesus is the way of salvation, but they are afraid of their friends and relatives,” the director said. “You may see 200 people accept Christ, but only 30, 40, or 50 take baptism. We’ve prayed so many times for the sick people in the community, and they get healed immediately, but they remain secret believers. We believe that one day God will bring a break-through, but there are thousands of secret believers.”

» See full story with pictures.

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