BOOK: The North America Mission Handbook

Source: North America Mission Handbook, Via Justin Long

Researchers are gathering data for the next edition of the North America Mission Handbook, which reports on all Christian organizations in North America that send missionaries, workers, funds, or other resources to other countries in the service of Jesus Christ. A local church qualifies if it serves as a mission agency, directly sending and supporting long-term missionaries or workers to other countries without working through a separate organization.

Do you know of any churches or organizations that might have been missed by this book in the past editions, or that might be missed because they are new, small, or not well known? If so, please send information to Michael Jaffarian. This can include ministries that have most of their work in North America but some overseas. Thanks!

ยป Not familiar with the handbook? Read a descriptive review of the last edition. We will also let you know when the new edition is available.

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