NEPAL: The Day Jesus Invaded a Buddhist Monastery

Source: GodReports, September 4, 2105

Tyler Connell, with Ekballo Project, is currently in the Himalayan Mountains in one of the most unreached places of the world, distributing Bibles, praying for the sick, and preaching the Good News. A month ago, Tyler and his team trekked to one of the highest villages in the Tibetan region of Nepal. They split into groups of four and prayed for the Holy Spirit to direct their paths. Tyler’s group felt led to walk to the highest point of the village where they observed ancient ruins protruding above them.

At the moment they reached the promontory, a monk appeared, smiling as he approached them. “Hi, I’m Jems,” he said in perfect English. “We’ve been watching you guys; it is rare for anyone foreign to come to our village. Would you like to come inside our monastery?”

“We are followers of Jesus, the man and God greater than any other god,” Tyler told the monk.

“Oh, I once heard of Jesus, in India, but wasn’t able to do any reading on who he was,” the man replied.

“Can we introduce you to him through the power of the Holy Spirit and the presence of Jesus?” one asked.

» Read full story and watch related video series Life in the Himalayas. The Ekballo Project uses film as a mobilizing spark on college campuses and churches to send believers into the unreached, unengaged regions of the world. See also Tyler’s recent article in Mission Frontiers.

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