Source: Act Beyond, July 2015

Most of what we hear about the Middle East is terrible news. But the turmoil and warfare there are creating desperation that has lead to an openness to the gospel for many people. We heard several Syrians quoted as saying, “Satan has caused this war in Syria, but God has used it to lead us to Jesus, which never would have happened otherwise.”

Amal was a young boy when he started having scary dreams of death and hell. He could never get away from them. For several years he said that he was tormented by these dreams. When he was about 12 years old he cried out to God begging him to please take away these dreams, to show him how he could get peace.

Amal is now a disciple who makes disciples. He has received some training from some long term workers with whom we work. With their help and encouragement Amal started several groups with men interested in the gospel. Many are now believers and have also started groups. God is at work!

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