Missions Catalyst News Briefs


In this issue: Schisms and signs of solidarity

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Dear Readers,

Recent headlines are filled with story after story about conflicts between cultural and religious groups; see stories below. This brings to my mind a book by one of my favorite analysts, Richard Swenson, titled Hurtling toward Oblivion: A Logical Argument for the End of the Age. Are things getting worse?

I’m also reading Steve Addison’s Movements that Change the World. Though I’m not known to be a pessimist, I can’t help but think: Is it too little too late?

Maybe both can be true in the end. Doesn’t scripture give us both narratives, that it gets better and that it gets worse? An article on the Evangelical persecution complex asserts that among Christians, a sense of victimization may be exaggerated with results that are dangerous or at least distracting.

Some of the conflicts seem to be rooted in the desire of more and more groups to be separated from those they consider to be “other.” Identity and self-determination or freedom will probably be driving forces in both movements to Christ and the race to destruction. One thing is for sure: The next generation will be key. The children of Syria and Gaza are being taught very early that death is better than being swallowed up by the “other.” Watch the video Syrian Children on the Frontline (jump to the 10-minute mark to hear from the children).

Solidarity is a beacon of hope in this tumultuous time. I was encouraged by a seven-minute video from YWAM New Zealand, Resolutions to Impact the World (shared by INcontext Ministries). Whether you believe we are hurtling toward oblivion or seeing movements to Christ that will change our world, please watch this video and resolve to impact the world that God “so loves.”

Standing in solidarity with you,


Pat Noble has been the “news sleuth” for Missions Catalyst since 2004. In addition to churning out the news, she is working to create a SWARM (Serving World A Regional Mobilizers) in Northern New York using the NorthernChristian.org website. You can connect with her at www.whatsoeverthings.com.

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