Missions Catalyst 08.04-04 – Resource Reviews

In This Issue: Always Enough – God’s Miraculous Provision Among The Poorest Children on Earth

  • BOOK: The Message of Mission
  • VIDEOS: Evangelistic Videos for Unreached People Groups
  • BOOK: Always Enough: God’s Miraculous Provision…

Missions Catalyst is a free, weekly electronic digest of mission news and resources designed to inspire and equip Christians worldwide for global ministry. Use it to fuel your prayers, find tips and opportunities, and stay in touch with how God is building his kingdom all over the world. Please forward it freely!

BOOK: The Message of Mission

From: MMN Resource List, March 24, 2004, Source

By Howard Peskett and Vinoth Ramachandra, The Message of Mission is one of The Bible Speaks Today series. Complete with a study guide, it covers 15 key passages of Scripture which teach about mission, literally from Genesis to Revelation.

In a unique East-West partnership, Peskett and Ramachandra explore the missional privilege and responsibility of the Church: to testify by its words and deeds to Jesus Christ, God’s unique Son – crucified, risen, and ascended.

This exposition observes mission from the underside, giving attention to the connections between mission and suffering, and even martyrdom, and to the historical importance of the Church’s conducting mission out of weakness.

To order, link to the Amazon or send an e-mail.

VIDEOS: Evangelistic Videos for Unreached People Groups

From: Create International, May 25, 2004

Create International, a frontier mission communication ministry, produces culturally and linguistically appropriate evangelistic tools to equip workers reaching out to unreached peoples. They also produce high-quality mobilization materials on specific unreached people groups, designed to stimulate prayer and recruit laborers.

To date, Create International has people group videos on 31 peoples, with each people group on a separate video. Each video is 20-30 minutes in length, and the price is $15 each for VCD or video tape (NTSC or PAL format).

Create International has evangelistic videos for many of these people groups, including contextual church planting training resources for Indonesian, Urdu, and Turkish fellowships, and PhotoCDs of unreached peoples and different regions of the world.

All are available at the Create International web site.

BOOK: Always Enough: God’s Miraculous Provision…

From: CMDNet Weekly Update May 29, 2004, Source

By Rolland and Heidi Baker, Published by Fleming H. Revell Co., September 2003, 186 pages.

Always Enough: God’s Miraculous Provision Among The Poorest Children on Earth is a story that illustrates that even the most desperate poverty, the most devastating illness, and the most heart-wrenching grief are not beyond his help.

As you follow the adventures of missionaries Rolland and Heidi Baker in Mozambique – an African country ravaged by civil war and famine to become one of the poorest places on earth – you’ll be awed by God’s limitless power and tender provision. The account of how he has enabled the Bakers to help many hundreds of Mozambique’s throw-away children and start an astounding five thousand churches will warm your heart and move you to tears. The simple practice of “ministering to the one” and choosing to trust God daily unleashes great power to change any situation.

So come along on the journey! Witness what God is doing in one of the poorest nations on earth, and then invite him to work his miracles in your own life.

This book is available from Amazon.com at a 20% discount. Link directly to the Amazon web site.

Questions? Problems? Submissions? Contact publisher/managing editor Marti Smith.

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