Sharpening the Saw: Quizzes and Courses

I stumbled on a quiz about Ramadan last week. That first quiz led to a second, which led to me signing up for a super-short online course about Islam fielded by Pew Research. The course consists of four brief daily emails followed by a quiz. I’m 25% of the way through!

But it’s got me wondering. Why was I eager to take the quiz? Then why did I sign up for the course? Did I feel like Muslims are my jam and I would probably nail the quiz? Sure did. Was I embarrassed by my 75% score? Yep. Does the currently fettered state of life afford a little more margin to sharpen the saw? Does for me!

In another attempt to learn and grow, yesterday I spent some (virtual) time with one of my favorite people. Doug Lucas has just released a brief set of videos for his full-time global workers with Team Expansion. In the generosity that characterizes him, Doug is allowing us to peek over his shoulder as he challenges his people to frame the current situation by “Getting Back to the Basics,” “Taking Initiative,” “Communicating Actively,” and “Adapting to the Current Context While Staying True to Our Calling.”

These short talks encouraged and challenged me. I took away both calming assurance as well as actionable challenges. I commend them to you.

What about you? Are you sharpening your saw these days? Kevin Kelly says, “A worthy goal for a year is to learn enough about a subject so that you can’t believe how ignorant you were a year earlier.” Are you learning and growing, turning crazy, home-bound days into higher capacity for what lies ahead?

Maybe you’re barely holding it together. Chasing kids, scrambling for food, and just trying to hold on to your job or keep you head above water. Much grace to you. And thanks for reading this in the midst of that! Please receive what God has for you, rather than taking these musings as more “things you have to do.”

If you do have bandwidth to think, though, let me ask you this. Are there things you’d like to learn about mobilization, Muslims, missions in general? Would you find a mobilization or global outreach quiz compelling? Would you consider taking a short email-based course about a relevant missions topic? How long would be optimal? Would video lessons make it more fun or just longer to slog through?

» I’d love to read your thoughts, wishes and references to existing items like this. Please comment on our website, find us on Facebook or Twitter, or just respond to this email.

4 thoughts on “Sharpening the Saw: Quizzes and Courses”

  1. Humbled that you took the time to listen and brainstorm with us, Shane. You and Marti do amazing things here at Missions Catalyst. We’re all better because of your work. I love the metaphor that, when one of us can manage to raise the water level in the bay even one inch, then “all boats rise.” May we work together as fellow-strugglers, even in the midst of this pandemic, in an attempt to help all boats rise worldwide. If God can use a donkey to talk to Balaam (Numbers 22:28), I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that he could speak to you through even me.

  2. I would like to learn more..about so many things. I would like shorter material and quizzes….is that good enough,?!????

    1. Lene, Thank you for the input. I think you probably speak for many, “so many things. I would like shorter material and quizzes.”

      Thank you for reading Missions Catalyst. We’re grateful for you.

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