BOOK: World Christian Encyclopedia, Third Edition

Source: Edinburgh University Press

The World Christian Encyclopedia, now in its third edition, documents the changing status of World Christianity over the past 120 years from historical and social scientific perspectives. It records the continued shift of Christianity to the Global South and contains estimates for religious and nonreligious affiliation in every country of the world, including detail on Christianity to the denominational level. This reference work features comprehensive descriptions of all Christian traditions, including current information on the uniqueness of Christian experiences around the world.

At 1000 oversized pages and more than US$200 a copy, this encyclopedia is not for everyone. If you lead a global ministry, maintain a mission education library, or specialize in mission research, you will want a copy. The rest of us may just want to know someone who has one we can use for reference. The publisher also plans to sell the 32-page introductory overview as a separate resource, as well as allow  readers to purchase just the info about one country or region. That could be very helpful for those working in or researching a specific area.

» Learn more or buy a copy from the publisher. In the US, you can get a copy from for US$213.49. No ebook edition (yet).

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