Practical Mobilization


In This Issue: How to Celebrate Like God Does

  1. The Partying God
  2. Good Reason to Celebrate
  3. Subversive Mobilization

How To Celebrate Like God Does

By Shane Bennett

So, you got a minute in the midst of Christmas craziness to read Missions Catalyst? Good for you! And thank you. We’re honored. As a measure of my gratitude, let me be brief and to the point: Party! Cut loose! Enjoy this season! Celebrate. As you’re able, enjoy your family, friends, and your God! There you go.

If you have only two more minutes, skip to the story (item #2) below. It’s really the best part. But if you have just a bit more time, let me flesh out the party injunction…

One thought on “Practical Mobilization”

  1. Shane suggests sharing some encouragement with you, Marti. Easy to do! I look forward to all the very engaging stories, book reviews, remarks and considerations that you send along with each issue. You do great work! Thank you for the commitment to the King’s agenda: it comes across loud and clear that you want what He wants. I affirm that you are right where He wants you with your encouragement, your challenges, your heart for the Nations. You da bomb!

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