ARTICLE: Will Second Language Acquisition Die? Should It?

Source: Brigada Today

Is it just my imagination, or are more and more missionaries assuming they will “train nationals because they understand better the language and culture?” Maybe it’s due to economic realities. Churches and foundations want to stretch every dollar so that it can be as efficient as possible. Or maybe it’s pragmatic: Recent shifts in strategy involve training nationals to multiply ministry anyway. So why bother with language acquisition, especially when national partners already speak English anyway?

» Give some thought to the role of language learning, then join the conversation at Brigada Today.

One thought on “ARTICLE: Will Second Language Acquisition Die? Should It?”

  1. I think this is a major topic even today. I’ve been walking alongside a church that has been considering these exact questions. I’m really glad that you’re addressing it and I can’t wait to read the rest of the article. I come from a background where making disciples still involves learning local language. Not just because language is a tool because it does something to the learner. Create humility and dependence on local relationships that often are the one who become disciples.

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