Australia: A Heartfelt Plea for More Christians in the Outback

Source: Eternity News, February 14, 2023

An Anglican minister in Alice Springs has made a heartfelt plea for more Christian workers to move to the troubled outback town in central Australia in the face of a threatened exodus of long-term residents.

Kristan Slack, who is Rector of the Anglican Parish of Alice Springs, said his church has been praying for Christians to move to Alice Springs to encourage workers worn down by the crisis in violent crime that has reached the national spotlight.

“We’ve been praying that God would send Christian workers into these places because even other staff need it as well. They need to see that Jesus brings hope and difference and change. If you want to make a difference, move to Alice, especially Christians, because we just need Christians to be light across all of society. There’s so much work to do. There are so many jobs of so many kinds in every field, but it’s expensive both to get here and to live. It’s hard to find houses, and then you might be afraid.”

Read the full story and another from Eternity News, this one describing how Bible translation is restoring a town, language and culture.

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