USA: Stay-at-Home Mom Mobilizes for Mission

Source: Operation Mobilization, April 16, 2022

Though Natalie completes her tasks over scattered hours, squeezing in work when her kids are napping or after they go to bed, she’s excited for the little part of missions God’s given her. “I’m thankful I get to have a small role in people going and people sharing the gospel with other people,” she said.

“God really can use you, the gifts and abilities he’s given you, right where you are. I thought I had to go, had to have this super spiritual gift, that missionaries were a pastor or a church planter, but I can be part of God’s call for missions on my couch in Garden City, Michigan, making a poster calling people to go.”

The full story shares how Natalie serves OM’s ministry in the Caribbean part-time by working remotely as a communication coordinator. Opportunities like this seem to be on the rise.

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