Niger: God at Work Among the Fulani and Tuareg Tribes

Source: Mission Network News, March 15, 2022

In Niger, God is working among the Fulani and Tuareg tribes, predominantly Muslim groups.

Todd Nettleton with The Voice of the Martyrs USA says, “There are converts, people who are following Christ, out of those tribes that are then literally going village to village. They are sharing the gospel and finding great fertile soil for the seeds of the gospel that are being planted.”

Nettleton says we need to remember this when we hear about attacks against Christians by these groups. “Don’t fail to remember that God is at work among the Fulani. I’ve seen some amazing pictures of Fulani in their full tribal regalia, with their headcovers, being baptized into the kingdom of God.”

These groups have often been used as pawns by outside political forces who want to promote radical Islam. Other attacks stem from the differing needs of farmers and herdsmen or different tribal disputes.

Praise God for the work he is doing among the Fulani and the Tuareg. Nettleton says, “The book of Revelation promises people of every tribe and tongue and nation will worship Jesus. We’re seeing that happen in our day, so we celebrate the work of God.”

Read the full story.

See also a Voice of the Martyrs Facebook post about a creative Taureg baptism.

Editor’s Note: What a joy to read news like this! Years ago I picked up a bunch of books at the Dollar Store for 25 cents each, including one that helped my Sunday school class learn about the Taureg and pray for them. Check out One Night by Cristina Kessler.

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