Finding Family for Frontier Peoples, Orphans, and More

In this edition:

  1. Understanding Frontier Unreached Peoples
  2. Haiti: 17 Missionaries Kidnapped by Powerful Gang
  3. Eritrea: 2 Elderly Pastors Imprisoned
  4. Globally, Girls Exposed to “Shadow Pandemic” of Sexual Abuse
  5. News Roundup: The Increase of Orphans Worldwide

Read or share the email edition or scroll down for individual articles.


Lately, I have been rethinking what the Church is and how God intends it to grow. I should have seen this long ago, but now I see the family motif as the best way to think about the Church. If the Church is a family, then might there be a better way to think about the unreached? As those with no church family?

This idea is not new; you may remember the Adopt-A-People movement. But what if we think of them as not adopted until they have a church family, or are “reached.” I doubt that missiologists will adopt (pun intended) new labels but my mind is made up. These unreached peoples or frontier peoples are simply orphaned peoples who need to learn of the Father that awaits their return.

My thinking started to change on this when I read Michael Heiser’s book, What Does God Want?

Whatever way you categorize the people of the earth, this interactive map at Joshua Project is amazing!  Read more about the Frontier Peoples model below.



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