Website: From A Mobilizer Mom


Are you a mission-minded mom? Married to one? Know one?

Our friend Alicia Bennett just launched a new online ministry for parents who want to help their kids grow in global awareness, starting right where they are.

She writes:

“My mission as MobilizerMom is to educate and inspire families to get involved with God and join his heart for reaching the nations by giving families simple and fun ways to learn about God and his world right where they are.

“Whether you are a homeschool family or a traditional schooling family or somewhere in between, any Christian family can find value in what I want to provide: biblical foundations with a missional focus that puts God and his mission first in their lives so that they want to join whatever God is doing in the future. As Christian parents, our greatest desire is to see our children follow Jesus too. Here are some tools to help you do that well.”

Browse the website or join the Facebook community. A series of family devotions linked to the summer Olympics will began July 1.


By the way, this fall, our friends at Weave family ministries will release a new resource on parenting with a global vision. We got an advance copy and it looks wonderful. Watch for our review.

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