USA: Saudi Converted Americans to Islam, Until…

Source: God Reports, November 28, 2020

Nasser, who was born and raised on the eastern coast of Saudi Arabia, longed to die for Allah by waging jihad and thus improving his chances of making it into Paradise.

“God had other plans for me,” he says on a Your Living Manna video.

In the summer of 1990, Nasser plotted to run away and join [the] jihad, but Iraq’s Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. At the time, he was actually in the United States with his mother visiting relatives and the ensuing world chaos prevented him from leaving.

“What was I going to do? I was surrounded by infidels. You either make [war] against them or you try to bring them into Islam another way,” he says. “I thought Allah brought me here to evangelize them.”

As he learned about American culture, he eventually perceived that born-again Christians were different than the rest of Americans (who he wrongly assumed to all be Christians), and he began to target them because he figured it would be easy for them to switch since they already lived clean lives.

One of those loving and clean-living Christians was a woman with whom Nasser fell in love.

“That was my undoing,” he admits.

» Read the full story.

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