How are YOU doing? | World News Briefs

Missions-Catalyst-no-tagline_largeemotional-word-wheelYou’re probably feeling a range of emotions these days. Can you express them? This emotional word wheel by Geoffrey Roberts might help. (Thanks to Flowing Data.)

  1. WORLD: Five Ways Isolation Can Radically Deepen Your Faith
  2. INDIA: Gospel Opportunities Amid COVID-19
  3. SRI LANKA: Hints of New Anti-Conversion Bill
  4. HAITI: From Sorcerer to Church Planter
  5. RESOURCES: Updates and Additions

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While we were waiting in the checkout line last week, the customer ahead of me asked, “How are you doing?” It wasn’t the “How ya doin’?” I’m accustomed to. It was more like “How are YOU doing? Are you okay in all of this?” Maybe the question was prompted by the magenta ink smear on my nose. (I was there to buy printer ink.) But I could tell the stranger was really concerned.

Times like these bring out the best and worst in people. My dear sister Andrea mentioned in our last in-person home group meeting that she is not always “the best version” of herself. For days after that sweet time of fellowship I pondered her words.

Sometimes we don’t have the right words to answer the question, “How are you?” Hence the word wheel above. For more thoughts on this all-important question, read The Greatest Gospel Question of This Moment: “How Are You Doing?” (Christianity Today).

In case you’re wondering, I’m feeling thankful and hopeful.


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