THAILAND: Myanmar Believers Host Christmas Events

Source: International Mission Board, December 16, 2019

This month, Myanmar believers in South Thailand are hard at work. They are few in number compared to many churches, but their dedication to share the gospel story this season is unwavering. Three small churches, planted to reach factory workers, band together in December to share the Christmas story through music, drama, food, and fellowship. This will be their third year to produce the outreach events.

They can only plan events on Sunday, because that’s when factories are closed. Many of the believers work 12-hour shifts, six days a week, and then work through the night as the Sunday events approach. They will feed and give small gifts to hundreds of people who attend the events, using a portion of their $9/day salaries that they have faithfully set aside for this effort.

Please pray for the next evangelistic event planned for December 22, 2019. In addition to singing Christmas carols, the Myanmar Christians will perform a nativity drama and tell the Christmas story from the Bible. They also prepare and feed everyone who comes to the event and give them a small gift. The gifts and food also serve as a strong incentive for people to come. They recognize that this season, non-believers are often curious about Christmas and will come to an event to find out more.

» See full story with pictures and prayer points. You could also pray for churches reaching out through Christmas events in Japan, and read OMF’s Five Ways to Pray for Christmas Outreaches.

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