VIDEO SERIES: The Early Church in North Africa

Source: The Heritage Project, International Media Ministries

Lost Legacy Reclaimed is a docudrama series about the early Christian Church in North Africa, its great leaders, teachers, and martyrs. In this series, filmed on location in Spain and North Africa, you will meet these faithful Christians from the first five centuries of church history who set a high standard for future generations by sacrificing for Jesus Christ during intense persecution.

English-language versions of the series are now available in the US. Plans are in place to translate and distribute these for Christians in the Middle East and beyond. We pray that this heritage will encourage those who seek to follow Christ in places now hostile to Christianity.

Episode 1: The story of the Scillitan Martyrs, twelve Christian men and women from Carthage (modern Tunisia) who refused to deny their faith and were brutally executed by order of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius.

Episode 2: The story of Victor, who served as Bishop of Rome in the late second century. Victor was the first pope from North Africa and he presided over the church at a time of controversy between the western and eastern branches of the church.

3. The story of Perpetua, a Christian woman from North Africa martyred in a Roman arena along with several companions in the early third century. Her story is drawn from the personal diary she kept during her imprisonment.

4. The story of Tertullian, a prolific Christian apologist who lived in Carthage from 155 to 240 AD. He is known as “The father of Latin Christianity.”

Subsequent episodes will focus on Augustine, Anthony, Quodvultdeus, and Cyprian.

» Watch the two-minute trailer (Vimeo). Purchase half-hour episodes from Amazon for $.99 apiece (or watch via Amazon Prime). Looks like several sources offer the videos on DVD.

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