ZIMBABWE: To the Whole World

Source: Operation Mobilization, August 14, 2019

Tinashe is passionate about seeing the gospel spread not only in [his country of] Zimbabwe but to the utmost parts of the world.

“Many people in Zimbabwe are inward-focused about themselves and their church,” Tinashe explained. “There has been a lack of discipleship within churches too. Therefore, I am motivating the church to look beyond itself and pray for nations, give, and start discipleship groups.”

“People think that missionaries are white people who come from Europe or America to build mission stations complete with a school and hospital,” said Tinashe. “So, without resources to accomplish the same, [Zimbabweans] think themselves unworthy of the calling.”

“I also used to think missionaries came from Europe and the West,” Tinashe admitted. “However, one day, a missionary came to our church and explained the need for the whole church to take the whole gospel to the whole world.”

From then on, Tinashe’s perspective about missions and missionaries changed, and he desired to correct this misconception by sharing the truth with others. Through their efforts and God’s grace, [Tinashe’s] team has seen God raise local people to go and share the gospel in North Africa and the Middle East and to serve about the OM ship Logos Hope.

» Read full story and another recent story from OM about a Costa Rican recognizing and responding to God’s call to the nations.

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