SRI LANKA: Misconceptions about the Easter Bombings

Source: INcontext Ministries, April 30, 2019

The fact that many of the casualties of the Easter Sunday bombings were Christians obviously drew the attention of the Christian world and especially the Christian media, looking at the incident through different ‘lenses’ than those of the secular media. Here are three misconceptions circulated by Christians in the wake of the attacks, and clarifications about the truth.

Misconception #1 The world didn’t report the Sri Lanka attacks with the same intensity as the mosque attacks in New Zealand.

Misconception #2: Political leaders intentionally neglected to mention “Christians” and only referred to “Easter worshippers.”

Misconception #3: The suicide bombers were “animals” and uneducated people, gullible to radicalization.

» Read what INcontext has to say and see other articles in their Perspectives series. INcontext Ministries exists to serve churches and the wider Christian community and even encourages readers to contact them with research requests.

2 thoughts on “SRI LANKA: Misconceptions about the Easter Bombings”

  1. This is what the quran says;

    Those who believe, and those who are Jew-ish, and the Christians, and the Sabeans—any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and
    act righteously—will have their reward with their Lord; they have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.

    O you who believe! Do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies; some of them are allies of one another. Whoever of you allies himself with them is one of them. Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.

    So my question is this, when quran says “do not take the Jews …” do the Muslims love Christians or Jews?

    1. Muslims don’t necessarily do/think/believe what the Quran says – as Christians don’t necessarily, pertaining to the Bible. But it’s also worth noting that the Quran has both reassuring and threatening things to say about how Muslims ought to relate to Christians and Jews. Any of us who want a deeper understanding of the Quran’s teaching about Christians and Jews will probably need to consider both and look at context.

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