Podcasts & Articles: Practical Help as You Prepare to Go or Send

Sources: Various

Recently on the Global Missions Podcast

Rob Magwood and his friends are great at highlighting helpful resources for church mission leaders and others. In the last few episodes:

  • Marv Newell shared five practical ways a church can strengthen its global missions program.
  • Lauren Wells described three ways to support and care for missionary children and their families.
  • Ellen Livingood spoke about how to attract new people to join church mission committees.

Listen to these episodes and more.

Preparing to Go

Many of us learn about self-care the hard way. Looking back, a veteran missionary offers some solid advice to those preparing to go.

Read 7 Steps to Prepare for Christian Missions (Sarita Hartz).

Preparing to Send

Another new article argues that churches do the future missionary and the church a disservice if they make the sending process too easy or give in to pressures to send out those they aren’t sure are ready to go.

Read Should Your Missions Pipeline Run Uphill? (Catalyst Services).

Finally, a Dark Side of Church Mobilization

Maybe you’ve seen how hard it can be to build a healthy partnership between church and parachurch (some say “parasite”) groups. One reason? They have different goals. When it comes to missions, the typical church is most interested in seeing their people engaged—an inward focus. And that may drive mission priorities more than it should.

Read Misaligned Mission Musings (Ted Esler).

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