1. Turning Donors Into Partners
Turning Donors Into Partners: Principles for Fundraising You’ll Actually Enjoy, by Brad Layland, InterVarsity Press, 2023. 176 pages.
Feeling the pressure to raise funds for your ministry or organization, do you find yourself forgetting that what you need is partners, not donations?
Here’s a new book to re-energize or motivate and equip you for fundraising, whether that’s raising personal support or (especially) funding a non-profit. It covers lots of nuts and bolts about how to build a case statement, recruit a team to help you, and identify and prioritize prospects, as well as how and when to ask—all while keeping relationships central.
The author serves as CEO of The FOCUS Group, which offers an online course and fundraising consultation effort called Taking Donors Seriously. That’s the basis for this helpful and encouraging book.
Learn more or purchase the book in paperback or as an digit book for US$20 from the publisher or elsewhere (a bit less on Amazon).
See also a toolkit of free resources (registration required) or listen to the Taking Donors Seriously podcast.
2. Sent Together
Sent Together: Developing Strong Gospel Partnerships for Global Missions, by Cody Wilbanks. Independently published, 2021. 103 pages.
Warm, healthy relationships between missionaries and their supporters can be a source of shared joy and encouragement, but too often these partnerships can be unhealthy, superficial, and disappointing (on either or both sides), instead. Wilbanks, a former missionary and now a pastor, explores what both senders and sent ones can do to form deeper, more mutually satisfying relationships, learning from Paul’s “partnership in the gospel” with the Philippian church. Great book.
Learn more or purchase the book. The Kindle edition is US$6.99 while the paperback in US$9.99.
3. Financing Mission from Anywhere to Everywhere
Here’s one more book:
New Funding Models for Global Mission: Learning From the Majority World, by Tim Welch (William Carey Publishing) explores 17 alternatives to “traditional” missionary support raising which may be more appropriate for many global workers.
I haven’t had time to read it. Have you? Learn more or purchase.