Europe: Myths, Truths, and Opportunities for Mission

Source: Lausanne Movement, November 23, 2022

Data from the most recent edition of the European Values Survey indicates that 61% of Swedes, 53% of Dutch, 51% of Brits and Norwegians, and 50% of Czechs say they do not believe in God.

When it comes to church attendance, only one in 20 Swedes, Norwegians, and Finns are in church on a given Sunday, and one in 40 Danes. 63% of French, 61% of Czechs, and 60% of Britons never attend a religious service.

It has taken over 300 years, but gradually Europe has been transformed, as philosopher Charles Taylor puts it in A Secular Age, “from a society where belief in God (was) unchallenged and, indeed, unproblematic, to one in which it is understood to be one option among others, and frequently not the easiest to embrace.”

Read the full story to learn about three myths (that Europe is Christian, that Europe is atheist, and that Europe is post-Christian) and how the millions of Christians who have migrated to Europe over the last 50 years are changing things. Europe is not post-Christian, the author says, but pre-revival. Lord, bring revival.

See also Why Europe? from Greater Europe Mission, which asserts “Europe contains less than 2% of committed followers of Jesus Christ. We believe Europe is the least reached continent in the world.”

Also read Five Signs of Christian Revival in Europe (Christianity Today) and pray for Revive 22, a conference for university students seeking God for revival which is coming up at the end of the month in Germany (IFES).

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