Iran: Man in White Calls Family to Follow Him

Source: Eternity News, October 14, 2022

Growing up in Iran, Amin prayed five times a day like other Muslims, repeating verses in Arabic in an attempt to talk to Allah.

“One day I started to think about, why, if Allah is God, he should know that I am not an Arab— I’m Persian, I’m Iranian, and I speak Farsi, so why would he expect me to talk to him in another language, which is Arabic?” he recalls.

“That moment was a revelation…I said, ‘God, if you are alive, show yourself to me. I want to talk to you from the bottom of my heart and it doesn’t make sense to me anymore to speak to you in another language.’”

For seven days, Amin stopped praying and put thoughts of God aside.

“And on the seventh night, I had a dream of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He came into my dream and he didn’t come to only my dream—he came to my sister and my mother and myself in the same night.”

[The next morning] a family friend knocked at the door and when he came into the house, he put a New Testament on the table and said, “I want to talk to you about Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is not only a prophet. He’s the son of God. He died on [a] cross and he rose on the third day.”

As he gave them the life-changing news, they felt filled with the Holy Spirit even though they didn’t know who that was at the time.

“We couldn’t deny it, you know? It was very hard to forget about what has happened. We all gave our heart to the Lord Jesus Christ, and we accepted him as our God and our Savior.”

See the full story with pictures. Amin and his wife later immigrated to Australia where he pastors Grace Persian Church in Brisbane.

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