North Korea: Rare Letters Smuggled Out

Source: Open Doors, October 26, 2022

Between 300,000 and 500,000 North Koreans secretly follow Jesus inside the country but because of the danger involved, we often don’t have direct contact. These secret believers want to share with you how much your prayers mean to them. Read [an excerpt from one of] two letters below.

“I would like to give you an update on how we are doing. Right now trade is severely restricted because of the pandemic. As a result, there are far too few goods to obtain.

“All the tribulations we face, such as the pandemic and persecution, remind us of a time of war.

“Despite these difficulties, we remain faithful to the work of Jesus Christ. Our hearts cling to Him. The North Korean church has been saved by the blood of Christ. The future of our church depends on our faith, our families, and the next generation.

“We thank Father God for His protection and heavenly mercy He sends us every time. We pray desperately that we may hear His voice.

“We want to thank all brothers and sisters for their love and support from the underground network of the North Korean church. We pray for you that God will protect your body and soul with His infinite grace and blessing.”

Read the full story and pray.

Please also pray for South Koreans following a tragedy in Seoul (Reuters).

Interested in hearing more from the Church in neighboring China? Listen to Hannah Nation discuss Lessons from Chinese House Churches (Global Missions Podcast) or read Faith in the Wilderness: Words of Exhortation from the Chinese Church (Kirkdale Press).

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