Muslim World: A Dream of God’s House

Source: Frontiers, August 1, 2022

Rafiq couldn’t keep his hands from trembling as he knocked on the door of his friend Daniel’s home. A few months before, the two had struck up a conversation when Daniel came into Rafiq’s café and shared something he’d read about Jesus that morning.

Daniel, a long-term Frontiers field worker, had become a regular customer and a good friend. They’d had many spiritual discussions, and now Rafiq hoped Daniel could explain the terrifying dream that he’d had the night before. Like many Muslims in his community, Rafiq believed dreams had meanings that could be deciphered.

Daniel greeted Rafiq and welcomed him inside. Rafiq felt a bit shaken as he walked across the tiled floor.

“Is everything alright?” Daniel asked.

“I want to tell you about a dream I had,” Rafiq explained. “I can’t stop thinking about it.”

Daniel took a seat in the living room and gestured for Rafiq to join him. “Tell me about your dream.”

Rafiq took a deep breath. “In my dream, I was going out on a dark night and saw a house full of light and people,” he said. “As I got near the house, I saw a man standing in the doorway, speaking to the people inside. It was you.”

“Really? I was in your dream?” Daniel’s eyes widened. “Then what happened?”

“I tried to get closer so I could go in,” Rafiq continued, “but vicious dogs attacked me, biting me and pulling my clothes with their teeth to stop me from entering.” He shuddered.

Read the full article. Intriguing.

See another story with a dream about God’s house, Filipino Muslim Meets Christ in Dream, Starts House Church (Open Doors).

Also read Why Are Muslims Coming to Know Christ More Than Ever? (Go.Serve.Love.) Pithy and compelling.

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