World: 10 Secret Baptisms Full of Risk—and Great Joy

Source: Open Doors, June 20, 2022

As North Korean refugee Bon-Hwa slipped under the water, she couldn’t keep back her tears. The day she had waited for so long since she trusted Jesus in a secret Bible study was finally happening. For two long years, she had begged to be baptized.

Bon-Hwa’s secret baptism took some planning. She, a pastor, and her Bible group leader traveled separately to a safe house in a remote area. They didn’t want to risk her being caught and repatriated to North Korea.

In more than 60 countries around the world, believers like Bon-Hwa are taking life-threatening risks to make a public profession of their faith in Christ. Each time our field partners share a story, photo, or video of new believers being baptized, we recognize both the beauty and gravity of that scene.

Read the full article and watch the [discreetly filmed] videos of secret baptisms in Bangladesh, Syria, Myanmar, and the Philippines.

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