Ukraine: A Kidnapped Missionary Is in Grave Danger

Source: God Reports, March 25, 2022

On February 25, Russian tanks rolled into her Ukrainian village, Orlovsky, in the Donetsk region, abducting Valentina Naumovich, 61, a trusted missionary affiliated with Far Reaching Ministries and CBN’s Orphan’s Promise.

Eyewitnesses saw the soldiers throw a black bag over her head as they abducted her. “A woman who knew Valentina reportedly betrayed her to the Russian troops when they arrived in town, telling them that Valentina was helping the Ukrainians,” according to CBN.

Valentina had been helping with the distribution of food to people hiding in bomb shelters, as well as Ukrainian soldiers.

“She was the keeper of the village, the main philanthropist, who knew about the pain and need of every resident, and every adult, respectively, knew her… She gave love and light. She distributed food and bread to the hungry, and preached the gospel to the desperate,” according to a spokesperson affiliated with Far Reaching Ministries.

See the full story with photos. Evidently, Valentina was able to make a phone call two weeks after she was captured but we have not found a more recent update. Another report said she had been serving as an aid worker in this region for eight years. Please pray.

See also Franklin Graham Writes to Putin, Zelenskyy to Ask for a Ceasefire During Holy Week (Religion News Service).

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