Afghanistan: Taliban Fighters Have Saul-to-Paul Experience

Source: Mission Network News, November 15, 2021

On October 25 the United Nations said Afghanistan is on the brink of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, worse even than Yemen or Syria. Out of 38 million people in the country, 23 million won’t have enough food to last the winter without more aid.

But the Taliban continues hunting down civilians who oppose their ideologies, including activists and Christians. Greg Kelley spoke to contacts of World Mission inside the country. He says, “Not only that, but they’re identifying communities. Because where there’s one Christian, in most cases there tend to be several Christians.”

Kelley heard a remarkable story from his contacts about a group of Taliban fighters that went out searching for a Christian community. “They went to this community and they killed them all. Now on their way back, they had an encounter with an angel, and this angel rebuked these men and gave them instructions on where to go. Now this someone (they would have no idea who this individual was) happened to be a leader of the underground church movement.”

Kelley says the Taliban fighters laid down their weapons before this church leader, who then proclaimed Jesus to them. Now, Christians have taken them in as disciples in the way of Jesus.

Kelley compares this story to what the Apostle Paul experienced while hunting for Christians. His encounter with the risen Jesus and subsequent conversion is recorded in Acts 9. He says this story should encourage Christians everywhere. “I think it just needs to be a reminder to all of us that we can’t put God in a box, even as we look at the horrors and tragedies of Afghanistan.”

Read the full story and see also Despairing Afghan Refugees Find Aid and Hope and Not All Christians Are Fleeing the Taliban.

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