Podcast: Follow One Maverick’s Unexpected Journey

Source: Pioneers-USA

The Maverick Podcast explores the unexpected journeys of spiritual seekers as they buck cultural norms and religious expectations to follow Jesus. The first season follows the story of Bishara, a young Muslim man from Central Africa who had everything going for him until a chance encounter dramatically changed the course of his life.

From strange dreams and guns that misfire to imprisonments and miraculous healings, Bishara’s story may sound too wild to be true.

To get to the bottom of it all, host Sarah Lewis talks to those close to him—and experts around the world—to find out what would make a man like Bishara risk it all in pursuit of truth.

Listen to the podcast. Just two of the eight short episodes have been released so far, but they come out once a week. Disclaimer: I helped create this. But I think it’s great and would love to see the word get out! Can you help by sharing it with people you think would like it?

Check out several new mission-related podcasts from other sources:

  • Doing Theology. Thinking Mission, with Jackson Wu and others from Mission ONE, launched in August. Each episode is about an hour long and digs deep into critical issues.
  • On September 28, One Way Ministries will launch a new podcast called One80 featuring testimonies and stories of transformation. You can listen to the trailer now. It sounds quite inspiring.

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