Website: A Directory of Missionaries Raising Support

Source: Ergatas

Most missionaries raise the bulk of their support from people they know—or get to know along the way. But what if you’ve tapped out your networks, or what if, as a donor, you would love to support individuals in a certain kind of ministry but don’t know any?

Ergatas is basically a cross-agency directory of missionaries raising support. It can be searched using detailed filters so users can find missionaries who share their vision. The service is free to use and takes no part of any donations.

So far, it’s pretty small, and only includes about 60 workers sent out from the US, Canada, Australia, and UK (although they hope to expand). More than 100 organizations have been approved to participate.

Learn more about Ergatas. Their about page answers many questions.

In the past we’ve written about several services that connect would-be missionaries with opportunities. Mission Next is a good place to start.

Do you need to put more effort into raising support? Check out a bunch of helpful worksheets from Scott Morton or listen to the replay of a recent webinar on how to prepare for year-end giving campaigns from Tailored Fundraising.

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