USA: Online Evangelistic Campaign Addresses Women’s Most Common Fears

Source: Christian Newswire, August 16, 2021

In a massive effort to share hope with millions around the world, the Luis Palau Association recently launched their latest online campaign, Take this Fear. Led by Wendy Palau, it features five messages focused on some of the most common fears women struggle with: abandonment, not being enough, losing control, being unhappy, and death and suffering.

Last year, they launched a similar campaign targeting mothers, leading to 2.8 million people being reached with the gospel ads. Seeing how effective online outreaches can be, Wendy and the team decided to go bigger with an online campaign targeting women of all ages. The vision—just like with live Palau Festivals—is for believers to use these videos as a tool to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with their friends and family.

“Fear can grip onto any of us so easily,” shared Wendy Palau. “That is why I knew it was so important to share these messages now. This tool has the ability to reach millions of people in some of the darkest and hardest to reach locations around the world with the Good News of Jesus.”

Read the press release or visit the Take This Fear website.

See also the article Why We Continue to Do Mass Evangelism, in which evangelist Greg Laurie addresses the argument that personal evangelism is more effective than mass evangelism (Outreach Magazine).

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