INDIA: Christians Celebrate First Indian Christian Day

Source: International Christian Concern, July 3, 2021

On July 3, Christians of all denominations in India [celebrated] the first Indian Christian Day. According to the founders of the event, July 3 was chosen because it is traditionally observed as Saint Thomas Day, the day celebrating Saint Thomas the Apostle who came to India in 52 AD and brought the message of Jesus.

“By marking it in 2021, and every year henceforth, we, as followers of Jesus, can preserve our identity within India’s cultural heritage, while uniting with all those who wish to celebrate it, irrespective of language, custom, creed, region, or religion,” the event’s founders claimed.

Father Babu Joseph, a former spokesman for the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India, said the initiative will also help Christianity overcome the false narratives spread by Hindu nationalists.

“This is an important step in making Christianity part of Indian history and ethos,” Father Joseph told Asia News. “In light of attempts by some right-wing organizations to create the impression that Christianity is foreign in India, it is necessary to highlight its antiquity in the country.”

Read the full story and visit the website for Indian Christian Day, which adds that the observance launches a decade of celebration leading up to the 2000th anniversary of the earthly ministry of Jesus.

See also results of a Pew Research Center survey that asked 30,000 Indians from six religions about their attitudes toward other religions.

Finally, intercede for the church in neighboring Nepal as they navigate a leadership crisis. The Nepali church has lost more than 130 pastors to COVID-19 during a second wave of the pandemic (Christianity Today).

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