MYANMAR: A Global Call to Pray

Source: International Mission Board, April 15, 2021

Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) has the longest-running civil war in history, spanning 70 years. The country is divided into seven regions, and within these regions, minority people groups have their own armies who have fought against the majority people group for decades.

In November 2020, the people of Myanmar participated in its second-ever election—a small glimmer of democracy in a history of military dictatorship and shifting governments.

On February 1, 2021, this democracy was ripped away from the people overnight as the military seized control. The country faces chaos and violence, and people are actively advocating and protesting to keep the military from stealing their freedom and the bright future democracy promised.

  • Most believers in Myanmar are generational believers, claiming Christ in name only. Pray that recent tragedies will cause them to be desperate for Christ.
  • Pray that believers will seek God in prayer and through His Word more than they ever have before.
  • For centuries the church in Myanmar has been very slow to grow. Most believers have never shared their faith with their family or friends. Pray they would be bold to share the hope they have as everyone around them struggles in despair.
  • Pray Christians wouldn’t allow worldly kingdoms to take precedence over God’s Kingdom.
  • Pray believers will keenly know that this world is not their home.

The full article includes pictures and a full-color flier you can print and share.

You might also want to read more about recent events in Myanmar and their effect on Christians from Elizabeth Kendal’s Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin, which also has some recent commentary on events in Turkey.

Myanmar is majority Buddhist. Note that a major Buddhist holiday, the Buddha’s birthday, is coming up May 26. Will you pray for Buddhists? See What Is Vesak? (East-West).

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