BOOKS: A Good Missions Intro?

Source: Missions Catalyst

Brad in Michigan asks, “What book do you recommend to a church when they need a short general intro to missions? Who writes this stuff in a really good way?”

I’m not sure how to answer, though I have some ideas. What are your thoughts? Let’s make a list together.

  1. What timeless classics or gems of today would you commend to Brad?
  2. If you bought one book by the caseload to give out wide and far, what would it be?
  3. What would you give to your elders, pastors, or mission team?
  4. Is there one that would make a good gift for your church’s graduating high school or college seniors this spring?

It’s probably best if these books are not too long, academic, or narrow in focus. Books can’t accomplish their mission if people don’t read them.

» Suggest a book (or second someone else’s suggestion) and tell us why you appreciate it. I’ll compile a short list to share in a future issue.

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