Subversive Mobilization

Props for our Publisher

Could I ask you a favor? Missions Catalyst’s unsung publisher, Marti Wade, is a rock star. If you had to read what I write before she “helps” it, you would have stopped a long time ago! Marti works on every edition of Missions Catalyst we publish. She does so with excellence and grace. If you’ve enjoyed Missions Catalyst, it’s in large part due to Marti’s diligent editorial oversight.

If you’ve received value from it this year, please take a moment and shoot her a quick thank you. You can reply to this email and it will go directly to her. If you want to get her chocolate to feed her soul or an Amazon gift certificate to feed her book habit, you can email me for her address.

2 thoughts on “Subversive Mobilization”

  1. Missions Catalyst is great. It is my top choice for missions news, as well as being a motivator to keep me on track in being involved in missions.

  2. I look forward to each new edition of Missions Catalyst and I am grateful to all involved in making it what it is. I have recommended it to the Mission Leadership Team at my church as well as all of my mission-minded friends. Please keep up the great work of mobilizing and encouraging us in Kingdom work around the world and on our block.


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