PAKISTAN: VBS Ministry Reaches Thousands

Source: Missions Network News, September 15, 2017

In the last couple of years, Pastor Vazir and his church made the decision to reach out to their community and bless the children there with the gospel.

Then, this summer the number of Christians in Pakistan began growing after Pastor Vazir essentially put his church’s VBS program on wheels.

“He ran 55 different VBS programs across the city of Lahore and outlying areas over the course of the three months this summer,” Bruce Allen [of Forgotten Missionaries International] shares.

“Seven thousand people attended those VBS programs and nearly 2,800 people placed their faith in Jesus Christ as a result.”

“In developing this ministry team that has fanned out in the Punjab province, what they wanted to do was identify places where there were a ton of children and youths, without a VBS program, but at least had Christians living in the community who would be there on site for follow-up,” Allens explains.

» Read full story. Also note that a surprising new census report shows Pakistan’s population has more than doubled in 20 years (Washington Post). That means a lot of children and youth.

» Another recent story from Mission Network News comes from Japan and describes a church whose paster has a vision to see churches become as common in that country as convenience stories. That would take them from 8,000 churches to 55,000 and truly impact Japan for Christ.

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