VIETNAM: The Far-Reaching Impact of Uncle Som’s Testimony

taidamSource: OMF International, January 23, 2017

[Uncle Som] began trusting in and following Jesus. However, for several months he still had the ancestral altar in his house and allowed other family members to take part in animistic practices. Now he was ready to make a clean break from all of it.

Many others fasted and prayed for Uncle Som as he publicly turned away from the spirits and from ancestor worship. Three months passed and he was alive and well, joyfully praising Jesus and telling his story to other Tai Dam.

In a nearby country, a group of Tai Dam families had turned to Jesus. They [realized] they needed to turn from their old ways but were worried about the response they would face from their community. That’s when a Tai Dam Christian from Uncle Som’s village shared his story with them. Now they are considering the way forward for them and have an example of a Tai Dam man like them being faithful to God, despite the pressure to follow their traditional ways.

» Read full story with prayer points. It’s not too late to join a month-long prayer movement for Vietnam.

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