NEPAL: Witch Doctor Refers Man to Church Planter

Source: Empart, June 2016

Every day [Mannba’s family] faced problems. Life was difficult for them. Evil spirits used to torment the family. There was always sickness in the family. The family went to the village doctors many times but could not get any healing. They then approached the witch doctors, one after the other, but still there was no relief. There was no peace in the family. In frustration, Mannba returned to the witch doctor and asked what he and his family should do to receive deliverance from their torment.

Mannba was astonished when the witch doctor admitted defeat and told him to find a church planter and let him pray, and then there would be deliverance.

…Neighbors saw change in the family and opposed them, saying, “Why do you serve another god?” Still the family continued to serve the Lord Jesus and grew strong in their faith. Mannba’s father went to India and worked hard to earn money. He earned four lakh and built a beautiful house. The villagers were jealous and claimed that he was possessed by an evil spirit.

» To better understand these dynamics, read full story.

» See also a video about God’s power at work in Bible translation in Nepal (Wycliffe), well worth 39 minutes of your time, and Traditional Healers and Modern Medicine in Madagascar (Al Jazeera), a unique look into the life of another “traditional healer” and what he claims he can and cannot do.

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