BOOKS: Compassion, Transitions, and a Story of Answered Prayer

Sources: Various

We don’t have time or space to write at length about all the new books suggested (and sometimes sent to us) for resource reviews, but here are glimpses of a few recent reads you might want to check out:

Compassion and the Mission of God, by Ruben Das. The author, a professor on several seminary faculties, traces God’s compassion as revealed in the Old and New Testament and as understood and expressed by the early church. It provides a biblical and theological foundation for ministries of social justice, relief, development, and compassion.

Looming Transitions: Starting and Finishing Well in Cross-Cultural Service, by Amy Young. A respected authority on missionary care calls this self-published book a “must-read” guide and says, “Give one to every missionary you know!” I found the quality a bit uneven, but it does address an important gap with much wisdom and stories of personal experience.

The Prayers of Many: The Story of a Church on Mission, by D.G. Wynn. The author demonstrates how God answered the concerted prayers of those in one Colorado church (and others) and worked through their missionaries and partners to see his kingdom established in a remote (but unnamed) Muslim context.

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