BOOK: Lessons from Ruth on Thriving in Mission

Source: GMI Books

Crossing Cultures with Ruth: Lessons on Thriving in Mission, by James Nelson. Colorado Springs, CO: GMI Books, 2014. 177 pages.

Crossing Cultures with Ruth: Study Guide for Christian Workers, by James Nelson and Marti Wade. Colorado Springs, CO: GMI Books, 2015. 79 pages.

A lot of great people in the Bible lived cross-culturally, but there’s really only one book that focuses on the beginning experiences of somebody who is entering into a new culture: Ruth. What can we learn from her experience (as well as contemporary research) to help those who launch out and say “your people shall be my people” to transition well and come to a place of effective ministry?

A recently published study guide, written to enrich Crossing Cultures with Ruth, provides readers with more detailed, practical guidance, steeped in further research and reflection, as they seek to apply these lessons to their current assignments or challenges they will face down the road. It frames the first book’s 14 chapters into six lessons that individuals and groups can use in a variety of ways: for a weekly study, to guide a mission mentoring relationship, or to use in a small group or ministry training class.

I (Marti) greatly enjoyed working on this project and am pleased with the result. Will you take a look to see if there’s a way you can put it to use?

» Learn more or purchase the two resources together for US$11.99 (ebooks) or US$19.99 (print).

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