World News Briefs


In This Issue: “Family is beautiful. I didn’t know what a family was.”

  1. GERMANY: Former Pimp’s Message to Fathers
  2. TURKEY: Jailed House Church Couple Flee Iranian Authorities
  3. MALI: Swiss Missionary Kidnapped Twice
  4. MOROCCO: Declaration Calls Muslim Nations to Protect Christians
  5. INDIA: “You Showed Me That God Can Use Women”
  6. GREECE: Partnering with Albanians to Plant a Church


The short film The Sum of Life’s Parts suggests that an average person spends 15 months looking for things lost, 67 days experiencing heartbreak, and only 14 minutes in pure joy. It’s an interesting film; watch it to the end. But aren’t you glad that Jesus came that we might have joy… and have it abundantly?

Chinese New Year is upon us, but the Tibetan New Year, or Losar, comes at the same time. Will you pray for these mountain dwellers to experience new heights of joy in Jesus? Get a beautiful 15-day prayer guide and spread the word that Losar begins February 9. (Thanks, Act Beyond!)

After we sent our last edition of the Missions Catalyst events calendar, we learned that our friends at Missio Nexus had planned several webinars for February which might interest readers, especially readers who lead mission organizations. The February 18 presentation will deal with global mission in the context of opposition and hostility (including the sort of places we often report on here). Do take a look.


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